What Treatment Involves
In your first consultation your osteopath will ask questions about your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle and diet. We will also examine you actively and passively. You may be asked to carry out movements, such as to sit, stand or walk. Then with the patient lying on his/her back, or in any position that is comfortable, the osteopath will examine different parts of the body, assessing the restrictions, strains and tensions. This will allow the osteopath to make a diagnosis.
Treatment is usually carried out while you lie down in various positions. Osteopathic treatment will involve a variety of gentle manual techniques. These include massage to relax stiff muscles, stretching to help your joints become more mobile and manipulation. You will also be given advice on hydrotherapy and exercise.
Less invasive techniques are also used especially when treating children, the elderly or acute patients.
Osteopathy can be beneficial for the following conditions:
- General aches and pains.
- Joint pain.
- Arthritic pain.
- General, acute and chronic backache.
- Headache arising from neck (cervicogenic).
- Frozen shoulder / shoulder and elbow pain / tennis elbow.
- Circulatory problems.
- Cramp.
- Digestion problems.
- Sciatica.
- Muscle spasms.
- Neuralgia (nerve pain).
- Rheumatic pain.
- Minor sports injuries and tensions.